IRWA Three Rivers Chapter 88 - Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The International Right of Way Association is a professional member organization comprised of global infrastructure real estate practitioners.
For the advancement of Right-of-Way Professionals
IRWA Chapter 88 (formerly PitROWGroup) would appreciate any Donations to help defray Expenses for various costs.
Help Supporting the new IRWA Chapter 88 - "Three Rivers Chapter"
We thank the following companies who helped support us during the Provisional Phase of Chapter 88 in 2020: BLX, Inc., BOP Acquisition, LLC, Century Engineering, Contract Land Staff, GroundScouts, M.W. Gary & Associates, LLC, Regetz Services, LLC & other anonymous donations.
If anyone is willing to help mitigate future costs by donating $5, $10 or $20, it would be greatly appreciated. Any donations will help with planning future seminars, IRWA courses and other educational events. We know it is a tough time for many of us given the state of the industries in which we are involved so by no means is anyone obligated to pay anything. If you would like to donate via PayPal [CLICK HERE]
PitROWGroup greatly appreciates the generous Sponsors' contributions that have helped our Organization blossom into an excellent source of information and education for those who work in our unique Industry.
Events Calendar Sponsor: Tom Foster of ONG Marketplace is now assisting us with updating the calendar of industry events.
Interested in being a Sponsor of PITROW Group?
Please Contact Aaron Rohlfing to discuss sponsorship opportunities!
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